How do I enable compiz in Gnome Classic?

Solution 1:

To solve this problem edit this file:

sudo nano /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/gnome-classic.session

and replace this line:


with this one:


Then just logout and log back in and it should work fine. This solved the problem in my case.


1) to access the gnome panel menu now you need to use "windows key + alt + right click" on panels instead of "alt + right click"

2) another issue might be "alt + tab" but you just need to reassign it in Applications -> System Tools -> System Settings -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts


3) after system updates related to GTK or gnome you might need to reinstall any "custom" drivers for your graphics card, for e.g. NVIDIA linux driver

Solution 2:

Gnome Classic should run compiz if you have acceleration enabled (you can try to run /usr/lib/gnome-session/gnome-session-check-accelerated; echo $? and it should return 0), if it returns something else, it's probably that you don't have harware acceleration and so fallback to GNOME classic (No effects).

If no, is running /usr/bin/gnome-wm --replace replace your current environment with compiz ?

Solution 3:

Just for completeness,

another solution that works for me is to add "/usr/bin/compiz --replace" to the GNOME startup applications via:


I lost the Alt-RightClick functionality too (Windows+Alt-Rightclick is necessary) but Alt+Tab is still working.

kind regards

Solution 4:

Compiz effects frequently fail to load at startup in Ubuntu 10.04. To enable Compiz, I have to logout then login again. This usually does the trick.