Is there any way to check a recently sold item's stats?

Solution 1:

The solution from various other sites that has been going around:

Make sure you do not send the gold you earned for the item to your stash. Open up a chat console, type a message to anyone (even party if there's no-one in your party), shift and click the little icon next to the gold amount (same as when you're linking your friends to your items in your inv), it will show the item you sold as a link in the console which you can click on and see the stats of.

As of the 1.04 patch, it should be possible to just mouse over the item in your completed window to see its stats.

Solution 2:

This is possible after patch 1.0.4.

From the release notes:

Tooltips have been added for items in the Completed tab

This is a screenshot from my completed tab

Screenshot showing item hover (with stats) for a Rare Shield

Solution 3:

Unfortunately there's no way (that I've found) to view the stats on bought or sold rare items without having access to the item itself (obviously only feasible in the bought case).