Meaning of the verb "to pooch"?

My first thought was that this is probably a shortening of the phrase to screw the pooch.

(idiomatic) to screw up; to fail in dramatic and ignominious fashion

But Wiktionary also has a listing for pooched as an adjective, with no mention of the longer phrase:

(slang) made unusable; broken; buggered (British)

I would say this is not a common use of the word in US English, but that most American readers would get the meaning here.

According to, pooch exists as a verb in American Football.

trans. To kick (a ball) a short distance towards the opposition's linemen rather than the designated receiver; to make a pooch kick. Also intr.

So it could be related to that - but pooching in this instance is a deliberate action, and is intended to make the ball difficult to handle. The reported mess up at NASDAQ seems to be a mistake. So I would still think this is related to screw the pooch.