How to open files from unknown developers without a warning in OSX?

I believe I have too much security on my mac. Whenever I try changing a file name or install a program I have to enter my laptop's password. Moreover, I cannot quickly access downloaded programs because they are from unidentified developers, and I must right-click > open in order for me to run them. That is really frustrating. Do I need to my laptop to be THAT secure (due to recent malware attacks on Macbooks ? ) Can I chance the settings to have it a bit more flexible ?

Platform : Mountaion Lion Retina Macbook Pro

You can disable Gatekeeper in System Preferences:

This removes the warnings about opening files downloaded from the internet:

defaults write LSQuarantine -bool false

It doesn't affect the dialogs about opening applications for the first time though.

You can run Finder as root with osascript -e 'quit app "Finder"' && sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/, but it's not really meant to be done permanently.

When you receive a message that indicates you are prevented from opening an app from an unidentified developer, to open from Safari you can:

(1) click on the download icon (the down arrow in the top right corner of Safari.

(2) right click on the file to open;

(3) select "Show in Finder";

(4) in Finder, right click on the file;

(5) select "open"

(6) confirm open