Plus sign in query string

I have a webapp created using C# and I placed a parameter value in the querystring with a plus(+) sign. But the plus sign disappear.

How can I include the plus sign(+) in the query string without disappearing?

Please advise.


Edit: added code with UrlEncode

string str = Server.UrlEncode(Requery.QueryString["new"]);

+ sign has a semantic meaning in the query string. It is used to represent a space. Another character that has semantic importance in the query string is & which is used to separate the various var=value pairs in the query string.

Most server side scripts would decode the query parameters before using them, so that a + gets properly converted to a space. Now, if you want a literal + to be present in the query string, you need to specify %2B instead.

+ sign in the query string is URL-decoded to a space. %2B in the query string is URL-decoded to a + sign.

See the difference between


In the above examples, Google's server script is URL-decoding the query parameters and then using them to do the search.

URL-encoding is nothing but % sign followed by the hex-code of the special character. For example, we know that the hex code of A is 0x41 (decimal: 65). Try this:

Hope this makes URL-encoding clear.

So, if you want the + sign to be preserved when a JavaScript is fetching a URL with + signs in its query parameters and a server side script would process the query parameters after URL-decoding it, you should URL-encode the query parameters in the URL before using issuing the HTTP get request so that all + signs are converted to %2B's when the request reaches the server side script. Now when the server side script URL-decodes the query string, all %2B's gets converted back to + signs which is what you want.

See Encode URL in JavaScript? to learn how to URL-encode the parameters using JavaScript. Short answer from the discussion there:

var encodedURL = "" + encodeURIComponent(param);

You should URLEncode your query string values to make sure any special characters are not lost.

Look at HTML URL Encoding Reference

You need to Encode the + sign - It's value should be %2B

I alter my previous statement so no one gets confused!

Create your url using the Server.UrlEncode. e.g.

string myUrl = "http://myurl?param1="  + Server.UrlEncode("my+param+1");

For the solution, I have applied:

Step 1:Use Server.UrlEncode method for encoding the URL parameter. Response.Redirect("YourURL?parameter=Server.UrlEncode(parameterValue.ToString().Trim()");

step 2: on another side, you get a string with a plus(+) sign. var parameter = Request.QueryString["parameterValue"].ToString().Trim();

This is the result: %2beH8 --> +eH8