Cutting videos with ffmpeg : length not accurate

Solution 1:

It often happens when using the -ss and -t together with -c copy or -codec copy.

Don't use copy, and use another codecs or simply don't specify -c , -codec options. and this won't happen.

for example: ffmpeg -ss 00:03:00 -t 00:00:05 -i test.wmv -acodec libmp3lame -vcodec libx264 1.mp4

Solution 2:

Place the start and end parameters after the input. That should make it more accurate.

ffmpeg -i test.wmv -ss 00:03:00 -to 00:03:05 -c copy 1.wmv

The -t option means go upto this duration. I used -to. So in your case it should be

-to 00:03:05

Also, I did not change the audio codec from the original. That should work.