How to depend on java validation api /hibernate modules in java with gradle as build tool?

I have similar question as here. However that question does not mention what build tool he is using and I assume that he is using maven as I didn't have problems with maven when using java 9 modules with it previously.

I am using the hibernate validator and I want to use java 9 modules, so I added a module-info file to the package of the module where I am depending on the validator api (the classes I am using are Validator, ValidatiorFactory , ... from packages like javax.validation)

I searched for these classes and found that they reside in this jar in my project dependencies: validation-api-2.0.1.Final.jar, the classes I am using are inside package validation.

I used the command jar --file=/path-to-the-jar-on-my-pc/validation-api-2.0.1.Final.jar --describe-module in the terminal and got the names of the modules exported from that jar:

No module descriptor found. Derived automatic module.

[email protected] automatic
requires java.base mandated
contains javax.validation
contains javax.validation.bootstrap
contains javax.validation.constraints
contains javax.validation.constraintvalidation
contains javax.validation.executable
contains javax.validation.groups
contains javax.validation.metadata
contains javax.validation.spi
contains javax.validation.valueextraction

So now when I put in my module-info file for example requires javax.validation the IDE complains that module is not found . I even added the dependency manually in the project structure (pressing ctrl+shift+alt+s to access it in intellij) where I added it from the path where it is stored in my machine but still same result.

I also tried the help tool from intellij and I found that it added requires java.validation; to my module-info and not requires javax.validation;, but anyway neither of them work.

I searched in pom.xml of that module and found this element <Automatic-Module-Name>java.validation</Automatic-Module-Name>, so now I am almost sure that gradle is causing the problem but I am no expert in gradle and how building tools work, so how can I solve this with staying at using gradle as build tool?

Gradle didn't add proper support for the Java Platform Module System until version 6.4. However, you have to explicitly configure Gradle to work with modules.

// build.gradle
java {
    modularity.inferModulePath = true

Though if I'm not mistaken, inferModulePath is true by default as of Gradle 7.0.

For more information regarding Java modules and Gradle see