Returning a value in constructor function of a class

So far I have a PHP class with the constructor

public function __construct ($identifier = NULL)
 // Return me.
if ( $identifier != NULL )
  $this->emailAddress = $identifier;
  if ($this->loadUser() )
    return $this;      
// registered user requested , but not found ! 
return false;

the functionality of loadUser is to look up the database for a particular email address. When i set the identifier to some email that i'm sure it's not in the database; the first IF is get passed, and goes to the first ELSE. here the constructor should return FALSE; but instead, it returns an object of the class with all NULL values !

how do i prevent this? thanks


thank you all for the answers. that was quite fast ! I see that the OOP way is to throw an Exception. So a throw one, my question changes that what should i do with the exception??'s manual is pretty confusing !

    // Setup the user ( we assume he is a user first. referees, admins are   considered users too )
    try { $him = new user ($_emailAddress);
    } catch (Exception $e_u) { 
      // try the groups database
      try { $him = new group ($_emailAddress); 
      } catch (Exception $e_g) {
          // email address was not in any of them !!  

Solution 1:

Constructors don't get return values; they serve entirely to instantiate the class.

Without restructuring what you are already doing, you may consider using an exception here.

public function __construct ($identifier = NULL)
  $this->emailAddress = $identifier;

private function loadUser ()
    // try to load the user
    if (/* not able to load user */) {
        throw new Exception('Unable to load user using identifier: ' . $this->identifier);

Now, you can create a new user in this fashion.

try {
    $user = new User('[email protected]');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    // unable to create the user using that id, handle the exception

Solution 2:

The best you can do is what Steve has suggested. Never create constructors that do any job other then assigning constructor parameters to the object properties, maybe create some default ones, but nothing else. Constructors are meant to create a fully functional object. Such an object must always work as expected after its instantiation. A user has email, name and probably some other properties. When you want to instantiate a user object, give all those properties to its constructor. Throwing exceptions is not a good way either. An exception is meant to be thrown under exceptional conditions. Asking for a user by email is nothing exceptional, even if you eventualy figure out that no such user exists. Exception could be for example if you ask for a user by email = '' (unless that is a regular state in your system, but id rather suggest emails to be null in those cases). To get all those properties for a user object you should have a factory (or a repository if you prefer) object (yes, an object - it is a bad practice to use static whatever) Private constructor is a bad practice either (you'll need a static method anyway and as i already stated, statics are very bad)

so the result should be something like this:

class User {
  private $name;
  private $email;
  private $otherprop;

  public function __construct($name, $email, $otherprop = null) {
    $this->name = $name;
    $this->email = $email;
    $this->otherprop = $otherprop;

class UserRepository {
  private $db;

  public function __construct($db) {
    $this->db = $db; //this is what constructors should only do

  public function getUserByEmail($email) {
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = $email"; //do some quoting here
    $data = $this->db->fetchOneRow($sql); //supose email is unique in the db
    if($data) {
      return new User($data['name'], $data['email'], $data['otherprop']);
    } else {
      return null;

$repository = new UserRepository($database); //suppose we have users stored in db
$user = $repository->getUserByEmail('[email protected]');
if($user === null) {
  //show error or whatever you want to do in that case
} else {
  //do the job with user object

See? no statics, no exception, simple constructors and very readable, testable and modificable