How to correctly get image from 'Resources' folder in NetBeans

Solution 1:

This was a pain, using netBeans IDE 7.2.

  1. You need to remember that Netbeans cleans up the Build folder whenever you rebuild, so
  2. Add a resource folder to the src folder:

    • (project)
      • src
        • project package folder (contains .java files)
        • resources (whatever name you want)
        • images (optional subfolders)
  3. After the clean/build this structure is propogated into the Build folder:

    • (project)
      • build
        • classes
          • project package folder (contains generated .class files)
          • resources (your resources)
          • images (your optional subfolders)

To access the resources:

dlabel = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("resources/images/logo.png")));


if (common.readFile(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/resources/allwise.ini"), buf).equals("OK")) {

worked for me. Note that in one case there is a leading "/" and in the other there isn't. So the root of the path to the resources is the "classes" folder within the build folder.

Double click on the executable jar file in the dist folder. The path to the resources still works.

Solution 2:

I have a slightly different approach that might be useful/more beneficial to some.

Under your main project folder, create a resource folder. Your folder structure should look something like this.

  • Project Folder
    • build
    • dist
    • lib
    • nbproject
    • resources
    • src

Go to the properties of your project. You can do this by right clicking on your project in the Projects tab window and selecting Properties in the drop down menu.

Under categories on the left side, select Sources.

In Source Package Folders on the right side, add your resource folder using the Add Folder button. Once you click OK, you should see a Resources folder under your project.

enter image description here

You should now be able to pull resources using this line or similar approach:


If you were to create a package called Images under the resources folder, you can retrieve the resource like this:
