HTML table with fixed headers and a fixed column? [closed]

Solution 1:

Working example of link posted by pranav:,js,output

FYI: Tested in IE 6, 7, & 8 (compatibility mode on or off), FF 3 & 3.5, Chrome 2. Not screen-reader-friendly (headers aren't part of content table).

EDIT 5/5/14: moved example to jsBin. This is old, but amazingly still works in current Chrome, IE, and Firefox (though IE and Firefox might require some adjustments to row heights).

Solution 2:

The jQuery DataTables plug-in is one excellent way to achieve excel-like fixed column(s) and headers.

Note the examples section of the site and the "extras".

The "Extras" section has tools for fixed columns and fixed headers.

Fixed Columns
(I believe the example on this page is the one most appropriate for your question.)

Fixed Header
(Includes an example with a full page spreadsheet style layout:

Solution 3:

You might be looking for this.

It has some known issues though.

Solution 4:

I see this, although an old question, is a pretty good place to plug my own script:

It just works with no configuration and is really easy to setup.

Solution 5:

If what you want is to have the headers stay put while the data in the table scrolls vertically, you should implement a <tbody> styled with "overflow-y: auto" like this:

       . . . 
   <tbody style="height: 300px; overflow-y: auto"> 
       . . .
     . . .

If the <tbody> content grows taller than the desired height, it will start scrolling. However, the headers will stay fixed at the top regardless of the scroll position.