How can I get the image url from IPFS info in React.js?

I've gotten this IPFS info such as "/ipfs://QmQqzMTavQgT4f4T5v6PWBp7XNKtoPmC9jvn12WPT3gkSE" as API response.

I want to display this file(image) on my page, but I can't find out the correct solution.

How can I get the image URL from this info in react app?

Please help with my concern.

Try adding in the beginning of your ipfs info as suggested in this document




If you're using js-ipfs, you can retrieve the image over IPFS, and display it:

/** Uses `URL.createObjectURL` free returned ObjectURL with `URL.RevokeObjectURL` when done with it.
 * @param {string} cid CID you want to retrieve
 * @param {string} mime mimetype of image (optional, but useful)
 * @param {number} limit size limit of image in bytes
 * @returns ObjectURL
async function loadImgURL(cid, mime, limit) {
    if (cid == "" || cid == null || cid == undefined) {
    for await (const file of ipfs.get(cid)) {
        if (file.size > limit) {
        const content = [];
        if (file.content) {
            for await(const chunk of file.content) {
            return URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(content, {type: mime}));

Then you can display it with something like:

<img id="myImage" />
async function setImage() {
    // just an example, make sure to free the resulting ObjectURL when you're done with it
    // if your CID doesn't work, try this one: Qmcm32sVsMYhURY3gqH7vSQ76492t5Rfxb3vsWCb35gVme
    // that's a popular CID, which should resolve every time
    document.getElementById("myImage").src = await loadImgURL("QmQqzMTavQgT4f4T5v6PWBp7XNKtoPmC9jvn12WPT3gkSE", "image/png", 524288);

The big advantage of this is you're using the IPFS network itself, and not relying on a public HTTP gateway (the recommended way).