How to monitor a service and restart if stopped in Linux

Actually I'm not so sure whether i should use Shell Scripts, or if there some ways already. But whatever approach we use, i would like to keep a Service running all the time.

Let's say iptables as an example. Then ..

  • Whenever the iptables service is stopped or (in other words) not running, i want it to be started (or restarted) .. automatically whenever it stopped (or not running).
  • In other more simple words, i want to keep a Service up and running all the time.

(May be i could give a fair frequency to check, if doing Real-time checking is the problem. So lets say, every 5 mins)

The only way i could think of, is to use Shell Scripts with Cron Tab.

  • Is there any smart solution please?


Solution 1:

Update March 2018

This answer is now quite old, and since it was written systemd has won the pid1 war on Linux. Thus, you should probably create a systemd unit, if systemd is built in to your distribution (which is most of them).

Answer below is preserved for posterity.

The monit answer above is valid, but I thought I'd mention some alternatives:

  • Supervisor
  • daemontools
  • daemontools-encore
  • runit
  • Upstart
  • systemd
  • sysvinit
  • s6
  • perp
  • nosh

It's worth bearing in mind that your operating system has already solved the process management problem. Traditionally, Linux has used sysvinit, which is basically the collection of scripts you see in init.d. However it's pretty dumb and can not monitor processes, init.d scripts are complicated and it's being replaced for good reason.

More modern operating systems are starting to replace sysvinit, and the frontrunners are Upstart and Systemd. Debian is leaning towards systemd, Ubuntu developed and has pretty much already transitioned to Upstart, and like Debian Redhat/CentOS/Fedora are moving towards systemd. Thus if you use an OS that has already replaced sysvinit I would recommend using what's built-in. The scripts are much easier to write than init scripts.

I have used runit and quite like it, but the easiest to use is supervisor. It's also very well documented, works almost anywhere and is packaged in all the major distributions.

But whatever you do, please, please, PLEASE do not use a shell script. There are so many things wrong with that approach!

Solution 2:

iptables is a poor example as it's not really a service or daemon that is running, but part of the kernel. You can't really "stop" iptables, you can only give it a configuration and "stopping" it involves giving it a blank configuration. Indeed I have had Linux systems crash, but the port forwarding setup using iptables continues to work.

Anyway, a utility called monit will do what you want. If you are using Debian it's an apt-get install monit away. It's a bit involved to learn about but very flexible.

Solution 3:

We are using this simple script to make an alert and start the service if it is not running, You can add more services too..

 file name:

 #service monitoring
 /bin/netstat -tulpn | awk '{print $4}' | awk -F: '{print $4}' | grep ^80$ > /dev/null   2>/dev/null
 a=$(echo $?)
 if test $a -ne 0
 echo "http service down" | mail -s "HTTP Service DOWN and restarted now" root@localhost
 /etc/init.d/httpd start > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
 sleep 0
 /bin/netstat -tulpn | awk '{print $4}' | awk -F: '{print $4}' | grep ^53$ > /dev/null   2>/dev/null
 b=$(echo $?)
 if test $b -ne 0
 echo "named service down" | mail -s "DNS Service DOWN and restarted now" root@localhost
 /etc/init.d/named start > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
 sleep 0

 Cron setup:
 */5 * * * * /root/ > /dev/null 2>/dev/null