Windows 8 OEM Reinstalling

Solution 1:

You will need to find an unbranded OEM install disk. Otherwise, you should contact who issued the licence to you in the first place (Laptop manufacturer most likely), as they should be able to provide the correct OEM installation disks.

Solution 2:

Generally speaking:

The right way to do it

  1. Get the recovery discs from your system backup - You have one of those, right? (most OEMs have a utility installed to burn the recovery to external media to avoid this type of issue)

  2. Most OEMs will sell them for a fairly cheap

  3. You could see if a local repair shop would let you use theirs

Other Possibilities

  1. If your computer is common, you might be able to get the recovery media from one (friends, family, possibly a PC shop is nice and lets you burn a copy from there) - slightly questionable.