How to compare only Date without Time in DateTime types in Linq to SQL with Entity Framework?

Solution 1:

try using the Date property on the DateTime Object...

if(dtOne.Date == dtTwo.Date)

Solution 2:

For a true comparison, you can use:


Solution 3:

This is how I do this in order to work with LINQ.

DateTime date_time_to_compare = DateTime.Now;
//Compare only date parts
context.YourObject.FirstOrDefault(r =>
                EntityFunctions.TruncateTime( == EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(date_to_compare));

If you only use dtOne.Date == dtTwo.Date it wont work with LINQ (Error: The specified type member 'Date' is not supported in LINQ to Entities)

Solution 4:

If you're using Entity Framework < v6.0, then use EntityFunctions.TruncateTime If you're using Entity Framework >= v6.0, then use DbFunctions.TruncateTime

Use either (based on your EF version) around any DateTime class property you want to use inside your Linq query


var list = db.Cars.Where(c=> DbFunctions.TruncateTime(c.CreatedDate) 
                                       >= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.UtcNow));

Solution 5:

DateTime dt1 = DateTime.Now.Date;
DateTime dt2 = Convert.ToDateTime(TextBox4.Text.Trim()).Date;
if (dt1 >= dt2)
    MessageBox.Show("Valid Date");
    MessageBox.Show("Invalid Date... Please Give Correct Date....");