Great iOS Games [closed]

Community Wiki questions can be a great tool for this site, but they require active curation by the person who posted them, and the question needs to be asked in a way that makes the answers more than a list of app names.

A question about "awesome" iOS games that gave criteria for awesomeness, or even a question that prompted its answers to explain not just what the game is, but to explain what makes the game "awesome" could be quite useful on this site. While a few of the answers here do that, most are sadly just lists of game titles and (perhaps) descriptions.

We're closing this as not constructive. A constructive question could exist that does what this question attempts to do, but it will take careful management that starts with the early stages of the question and continues long after that. -- Danielâ—†

Despite being a subjective question, it is a useful one for newcomers to the iOS platform, and serves to aid the gaming community.

What are your favorite iOS games?


  1. Limit to one application per answer.
  2. Add a short description for the application.
  3. Add a link to the website in the name of the application, if possible (no direct downloads).
  4. Use ## [game name](link if possible) when citing the game.

Only iOS games please; there's another question for Mac OS X games.

Solution 1:

Angry Birds

It's pretty addictive ^_^

Solution 2:

Cut the Rope

Fairly recent. Description from Wikipedia:

"The object of each of the game's numerous levels is to manoeuver a piece of candy into the mouth of a cartoon monster, and also to pick up up to three stars per level by touching them with the candy. The candy hangs by one or several ropes which the player can cut with a swipe of their finger, and can also be manipulated through other objects such as bellow"

Solution 3:

Flight Control

From Wikipedia:

Flight Control is a game for the iOS, DSiWare, WiiWare, developed by Firemint and first released for the iOS on March 5, 2009. The app was #1 on the App Store in 19 countries simultaneously on April 6, 2009 and has over 2 million sales.

alt text

Solution 4:


In my opinion, the best open-field tower defense game on for iOS. Very clean, well made, not nearly as "gimmicky" looking as many of the other tower defense games for iOS.