Configure exim4 to use Microsoft Exchange as smarthost

Solution 1:

Does your organisation operate its own certificate authority for internal servers? Perhaps you need to add the CA certificates for the Exchange server into the certificate trust store for Exim? A lot of products don't report this error very well (I don't know if Exim does or not).

Wireshark (capture first on the server with tcpdump -p -s0 -w /tmp/foo.pcap then copy to a local workstation with Wireshark) should be able to show the server certificate send from Exchange, and if the client hangs up after that, then a missing CA certificate is a common cause.

Solution 2:

Our problem was rather specific to our setup. We have more than one Exchange Server running in parallel with a load balancer acting as AP. The LB was malconfigured which caused it to neglect to offer any authentication method bar NTLM and GSSAPI even after successful STARTTLS handshake.

In-depth testing via swaks (can highly recommend this tool) revealed this.