Find the index position of the first non-NA value in an R vector?

Use a combination of and which to find the non-NA index locations.

NonNAindex <- which(!
firstNonNA <- min(NonNAindex)

# set the next 3 observations to NA <- seq(firstNonNA, length.out=3)

Similar idea to that of @Joshua, but using which.min()

## dummy data
dat <- runif(10)
dat[seq_len(sample(10, 1))] <- NA

## start of data
start <- which.min(

which gives:

> (start <- which.min(
[1] 4

Use this to set start:(start+2) to NA <- seq(start, length.out = 3)

resulting in:

> dat
 [1]         NA         NA         NA         NA         NA
 [6]         NA 0.94467527 0.66079779 0.62911404 0.06178627

If dealing with large data, Position is considerably faster than which, because it only evaluates until a match is found, rather than evaluating the whole vector.

Position(function(x) !, x)
# 4

We can assign NA to the following N values (or the end of the vector, whichever comes first) by

pos = Position(function(x)!, x)
x[pos:min(pos+N-1, length(x))] <- NA