Keyboard shortcut for open terminal Nautilus >= 3.16

I added a new feature to Nautilus with the precious help of the maintainers.

This new feature allow you to map custom keyboard shortcuts to launch the scripts in the scripts folder ( ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts ).

So, when you add an executable in that folder it will appear in the right-click context menu, but now if you create a special configuration file ( ~/.config/nautilus/scripts-accels ) you can assign a shortcut to it.

For example make a script called Terminal with the following content:

#! /bin/sh

Now create (or edit) the ~/.config/nautilus/scripts-accels file adding the following lines:

F4 Terminal

; Commented lines must have a space after the semicolon
; Examples of other key combinations:
; <Control>F12 Terminal
; <Alt>F12 Terminal
; <Shift>F12 Terminal

Restart Nautilus (nautilus -q) and when you'll press F4 key you'll open a new terminal window in the current directory (feel free to create a new key combination following the commented lines examples).

Note: if you select one or more files, their names will be passed as parameters to the executable. Your script can also have access to many information through environment variables.

Link of the commit:

There is also a gui to manage these shortcuts:

According to News file inside nautilus git repository, since version 3.15.4 accells not loaded any more

Major changes in 3.15.4:
* Stop loading custom accel maps file

Fortunately for nautilus >= 3.20 "RobotMan" answer solved the problem.

One option is to use:
Ctrl + F10 then e

Ctrl + F10: Same as right click at the current folder
e: Selects "Open in Terminal"

This is my favorite because you don't have to change any settings

It can change if your OS is in another language.
For example, in portuguese from brasil would be:
Ctrl + F10 then t
Just look at the underlined letter to know the key.

If you are using notebook you may have to use the super key too.
Ctrl + Super + F10 then e