git 2.32 git push -u origin master Nothing happens

I've starting to use git/github and I'm stucked on how to push my codes to github. I'm following some tutorials and when I type git push -u origin master nothing is happening, no logins screens opens as I've seen in this tutorials. I reallized that the process "credential manager" is running even after I had closed my git prompt. I did the same process in two different laptops, same issue. I'd like to know if is a problem of the version 2.32 thanks. enter image description here

When I say nothing, means getting stuck in this line git push -u origin master. When I try to close git bash,the screen in print bellow show to me.

Solution 1:

When you say "nothing is happening", do you mean I waited for less than 2 minutes and it appeared as though nothing happened? In that case it might be the credential manager. See issue git-credential-manager-core hangs on get #364. To see more logging it might be useful to run the command $ GIT_TRACE=1 GIT_TRANSFER_TRACE=1 GIT_CURL_VERBOSE=1 GIT_TRACE_PERFORMANCE=1 GCM_TRACE=1 git push -u origin master. Your problem might be fixed by setting the credential provider. For a github server you can do this $ GCM_PROVIDER=github git push -u origin master. If that worked you can set this permanently with $ git config --global github. You should probably also look in the Configuration options configuration.

If all the above sounds too complicated you can downgrade git for windows to 2.30. The installer can be found here:

Solution 2:

well, I had to go to C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\libexec\git-core and start the app git-credential-manager.exe and put my credentials. Doesnt make sense, coz , after the command "push" an github screen should appear to me. I really didnt understand why it has worked.