Laptop Asus G1S NO sound from built-in speakers

Try checking your drivers. Open up the dashboard and search for, "Additional Drivers" afterwards launch it. From there, see if you can find your sound cards drivers. If not, than open up your Ubuntu Software Center and search for, "Gnome ALSA Sound Mixer" it's the best tool to tweak and mess with your sound settings. Hope this solves your problem, if it doesn't, seek addtional support at

After much research into drivers, a friend found the speaker issue with my G1s running Ubuntu 11.10 Gnome Classic.

Run alsamixer (the Text UI version, not the GUI version), arrow over to Auto-Mute and Disable.

Why oh why is this on as a default? And Why (oh why) is the toggle only hidden in the text version, and not available on the GUI?