Why dereferencing a null pointer is undefined behaviour?

According to ISO C++, dereferencing a null pointer is undefined behaviour. My curiosity is, why? Why standard has decided to declare it undefined behaviour? What is the rationale behind this decision? Compiler dependency? Doesn't seem, because according to C99 standard, as far as I know, it is well defined. Machine dependency? Any ideas?

Defining consistent behavior for dereferencing a NULL pointer would require the compiler to check for NULL pointers before each dereference on most CPU architectures. This is an unacceptable burden for a language that is designed for speed.

It also only fixes a small part of a larger problem - there are many ways to have an invalid pointer beyond a NULL pointer.

The primary reason is that by the time they wrote the original C standard there were a number of implementations that allowed it, but gave conflicting results.

On the PDP-11, it happened that address 0 always contained the value 0, so dereferencing a null pointer also gave the value 0. Quite a few people who used these machines felt that since they were the original machine C had been written on/used to program, that this should be considered canonical behavior for C on all machines (even though it originally happened quite accidentally).

On some other machines (Interdata comes to mind, though my memory could easily be wrong) address 0 was put to normal use, so it could contain other values. There was also some hardware on which address 0 was actually some memory-mapped hardware, so reading/writing it did special things -- not at all equivalent to reading/writing normal memory at all.

The camps wouldn't agree on what should happen, so they made it undefined behavior.

Edit: I suppose I should add that by the time the wrote the C++ standard, its being undefined behavior was already well established in C, and (apparently) nobody thought there was a good reason to create a conflict on this point so they kept the same.

The only way to give defined behaviour would be to add a runtime check to every pointer dereference, and every pointer arithmetic operation. In some situations, this overhead would be unacceptable, and would make C++ unsuitable for the high-performance applications it's often used for.

C++ allows you to create your own smart pointer types (or use ones supplied by libraries), which can include such a check in cases where safety is more important than performance.

Dereferencing a null pointer is also undefined in C, according to clause of the C99 standard.