Abstract Method in Ruby

Abstract methods are supposed to be less useful in Ruby because it's not strongly statically typed.

However, this is what I do:

class AbstractThing
  MESS = "SYSTEM ERROR: method missing"

  def method_one; raise MESS; end
  def method_two; raise MESS; end

class ConcreteThing < AbstractThing
  def method_one
     puts "hi"

a = ConcreteThing.new
a.method_two # -> raises error.

It rarely seems to be necessary, however.

I like the answer by pvandenberk, but I would improve it as follows:

module Canine      # in Ruby, abstract classes are known as modules
  def bark
    fail NotImplementedError, "A canine class must be able to #bark!"

Now if you make a class belonging to Canine "abstract class" (ie. a class that has Canine module in its ancestors), it will complain if it is found that #bark method is not implemented:

class Dog
  include Canine   # make dog belong to Canine "abstract class"

Dog.new.bark       # complains about #bark not being implemented

class Dog
  def bark; "Bow wow!" end

# Now it's OK:
Dog.new.bark #=> "Bow wow!"

Note that since Ruby classes are not static, but always open to changes, Dog class itself cannot enforce existence of #bark methods, since it doesn't know when is it supposed to be finished. If you as a programmer do, it is up to you to test it at such time.

My preferred approach is similar but slightly different... I prefer it as follows, because it makes the code self-documenting, giving you something very similar to Smalltalk:

class AbstractThing
  def method_one; raise "SubclassResponsibility" ; end
  def method_two; raise "SubclassResponsibility" ; end
  def non_abstract_method; method_one || method_two ; end

Some people will complain that this is less DRY, and insist on creating an exception subclass and/or put the "SubclassResponsibility" string in a constant, but IMHO you can dry things up to the point of being chafed, and that is not usually a good thing. E.g. if you have multiple abstract classes across your code base, where would you define the MESS string constant?!?

I like the use of a gem like abstract_method which gives a dsl rails style syntax abstract methods:

class AbstractClass
  abstract_method :foo

class AbstractModule
  abstract_method :bar

class ConcreteClass < AbstractClass
  def foo

This code will not let you load the class if the methods 'foo', 'bar' and 'mate' are not defined in the inherited class.

It does not account for classes being defined across many files, but lets get honest do many of us actually define class methods across many files? I mean if you don't count mix-ins. (which this does account for)

def self.abstract(*methods_array)
  @@must_abstract ||= []
  @@must_abstract = Array(methods_array)
def self.inherited(child)
   trace = TracePoint.new(:end) do |tp|
      if tp.self == child #modules also trace end we only care about the class end   
        missing = ( Array(@@must_abstract) - child.instance_methods(false) )
        raise NotImplementedError, "#{child} must implement the following method(s) #{missing}" if missing.present?

abstract :foo
abstract :bar, :mate