GET vs. POST Best Practices
Solution 1:
Please use POST for anything that modifies persistent state in the database. You don't want crawlers visiting your delete links!
Have a read at Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One and URIs, Addressability, and the use of HTTP GET and POST by W3C.
Edit: Sometimes though you need to use GET. For example membership activation URLs which are sent in emails are GET and need to somehow modify the database.
Solution 2:
In general it's not a good idea to have a GET request that modifies the system state somehow, like deleting an item.
You could have your form look like this:
<form action='item.php' method='POST' id='form'>
<input type='hidden' name='action' value='delete' />
<input type='hidden' name='id' value='{item_id}' />
<a href="" onclick="document.getElementById('form').submit(); return false;">Delete item</a>
Solution 3:
You should never change anything in your database (other than logging information or other ephemeral data) from a GET request. The issue is that there is various web spidering software, web accelerators, anti-virus programs, and the like, that will perform a GET request on every URL they find; you would not want them to delete items automatically when they do so. GET is also vulnerable to cross-site request forgery; if an attacker makes one of your users click on a link that performs a bad action (for instance, creating a tinyurl that redirects to a delete URL), then they can trick the user into using their permissions to delete something without realizing it.
Yes, you will need a form that you submit to create a POST request. The other option is to use JavaScript and XMLHttpRequest, but that wont work for users who have JavaScript disabled.
You should also ensure that once you have accepted the data from the POST request, instead of returning a new page in response to that request, you should redirect the user to a page accessed by a GET request. This way, they will not accidentally re-send the POST request if they hit reload, or hit their back button later in their browsing session.