MySQL Workbench cannot load mysql.proc

I am starting to use MySQL Workbench tool especially for data modeling. So, the first I would like to do is reverse engineering of my existing database on web server. But I not able to finish the process, because I alway get this strange error message:

Error: Cannot load from mysql.proc. The table is probably corrupted

I tried to repair this table but it not help me. So, do you have any experience with this problem and know how to solve it?

Solution 1:

I'm using MySQL version 5.5.9 on MAC. I fixed this problem by running:

mysql_upgrade -uroot -p

Solution 2:

I'm using MySQL trough MAMP Pro, and Kevin's answer didn't work for me. Yes, I had to do a mysql upgrade BUT I had to use the following commands on the Terminal:


This worked for me. Hope this can be helpful to somebody else..

Solution 3:

I used XAMPP in CentOS and manually upgraded the XAMPP except the existing data folder. With the new server software of MySQL and old database files, I got the same error.

I did with this solution and worked fine:

cd /opt/lampp/bin
./mysql_upgrade -uroot -p

It looped through almost all tables in the system, but ended with a fixed issue.

Solution 4:

I am using Centos 6.5 for Server purposes. And Mysql Workbench for ERR Diagram. I got the same error. Answers above did not work for me.

This answer is based on changing data type for comment column. And works like charm.

Connect mysql from console.

use mysql;
show create table mysql.proc;

Then look for comment column. If it's datatype is char, change to text.

You can also use any other gui for making changes.