3.2 sdk platform install problem. "Done. Nothing was installed"

Start the SDK manager as Administrator.

  • Right Click SDK Manager
  • Select Run As Administrator
  • Click the YES button

The key to your problem is simple. You need to have an administrator access. The files are not being created automatically and hence the installation fails.

Start>>And roid SDK Manager>>right click SDK Manager and select run as an administrator.

Try downloading again. It should work fine.

these answers are all for windows users since it recommends running the manager as an administrator. for those on any linux platform (I'm on OSX), I suggest you cd into the folder where the sdk is trying to download (for me it was /android-sdk/temp)

then I allowed all permissions in the folder recursively by running

sudo chmod 777 ./

As you will likely be using the SDK Manager more than once, and it will always need these admin rights, a better option than having to remember to right-click on the file/shortcut and select 'run as administrator' every time would be to set the application to always be executed with admin rights without you having to remember to do this every time by doing the following:

  1. Navigate to the SDK Manager.
  2. Right-click on the SDK Manager.exe file.
  3. Select properties from the context menu.
  4. Click the compatibility tab.
  5. Select the "Run this program as an administrator" checkbox.
  6. Click the ok button to close the properties dialog.

You can find more detailed information about this and related options here.