Derivative of $a^x$ from first principles

I've been trying to think for the past few days how one could differentiate $a^x$ based on the definition that $a^n$ is repeated multiplication, $a^{n/m}=(\sqrt[m]a)^n$, and $a^x$ is the completion of the above function by continuity.

With a bit of algebra, the problem quickly reduces to finding the derivative at $0$:


And that limit's really got me stumped. Since you'll obviously have to use the definition in some way, I thought I'd replace $h$ with $\frac{1}{n}$ and use the $n$-th root definition:


Of course, just because $(2)$ exists doesn't automatically imply $(1)$ exists, but it might be a first step. Even $(2)$ has me stumped, though.

What about using $\;a^x=e^{x\log a}\;?$ Then

$$\frac{a^h-1}h=\frac{e^{h\log a}-1}h\;\;\stackrel{\text{subst.}\;h\log a\to x}=\;\;\frac{e^x-1}{\frac x{\log a}}\xrightarrow[x\to 0]{}\log a$$

since, in the above substitution, $\;h\to 0\iff x=h\log a\to 0\;$

I must appreciate effort put by OP to define the exponential function $a^{x}$ for $a > 0$ by extending the algebraical definition when $x$ is rational to the case where $x$ is irrational by using continuity argument. While there is nothing wrong with this approach it turns out to be one of the difficult routes to a theory of logarithmic and exponential function.

Now back to the question at hand. Differentiation by first principle of $f(x) = a^{x}$ involves the evaluation of limit $$L(a) = \lim_{h \to 0}\frac{a^{h} - 1}{h}$$ The challenge here is not to find $L(a)$ but to prove that this limit exists. Clearly the limit wont exist unless we have $\lim_{h \to 0}a^{h} = 1$. So as a part of definition of $a^{x}$ we must ensure that we have established $\lim_{h \to 0}a^{h} = 1$.

Note that if $a = 1$ then the limit is $0$ trivially. So let $a \neq 1$ and then there are two cases $a > 1$ and $0 < a < 1$. Clearly by putting $a = 1/b$ we can see that $L(1/a) = L(b) = -L(a)$ (note while proving this we will need $\lim_{h \to 0}a^{h} = 1$) and hence it is sufficient to consider the case $a > 1$.

Now inequalities come to the rescue. From this answer we have $$\frac{a^{r} - 1}{r} > \frac{a^{s} -1 }{s}$$ where $r, s$ are positive rationals and $r > s$. Note that by continuity arguments the inequality can be extended to positive irrational values of $r, s$ with $r > s$ but then the inequality weakens to $\geq$. There are ways to make this inequality strict for irrationals $r, s$ but we won't need the strict version here. Clearly from the above we can see that the function $g(h) = (a^{h} - 1)/h$ is an increasing function of $h$ for $h > 0$. Clearly since $a > 1$ it follows that $g(h) > 0$ for all $h > 0$. Now as $h \to 0^{+}$ the function $g(h)$ decreases but is bounded below by $0$ hence tends to a limit $L(a)$.

If $h \to 0^{-}$ then we can put $h = -k$ and see that $$\lim_{h \to 0^{-}}\frac{a^{h} - 1}{h} = \lim_{k \to 0^{+}}\frac{1 - a^{k}}{-ka^{k}} = \lim_{k \to 0^{+}}\frac{a^{k} - 1}{k} = L(a)$$ It now follows that $g(h)$ tends to a limit as $h \to 0$ which we have denoted by $L(a)$.

By further careful considerations it can be shown that $a > 1$ implies that $L(a) > 0$ and since $L(1/a) = -L(a)$ we have $L(a) < 0$ if $0 < a < 1$. It can be further established using inequalities that $L(a) $ is a strictly increasing function of $a$ for $a > 0$. This function $L(a)$ is traditionally written as $\log a$. Simple properties like $\log(ab) = \log a + \log b$ are provable very easily using this definition. Using this we also get $\log(a^{n}) = n\log a$ for any integer $n$ which shows that range of this $\log $ function is $(-\infty, \infty)$.

It is now a simple matter to show that $(a^{x})' = a^{x}\log a$. Next we can define $e$ by $\log e = 1$ and then $(e^{x})' = e^{x}$ and we can prove that $e^{\log a} = a$ for $a > 0$ and $\log (e^{a}) = a$ for all $a$. Thus $\log x$ and $e^{x}$ are inverses and $(\log x)' = 1/x$ by rule for differentiation of inverse functions. I hope you can proceed along these lines to develop full theory of exponential and logarithmic functions.

Well, historically that is just the definition of the natural logarithm, so define


and conclude that this function has the usual properties of a logarithm, like $l(ab)=l(a)+l(b)$.