Gedit: Search next match ... usability

Searching the next match with gedit makes me crazy.

  1. I press Ctrl+F
  2. The search input box opens
  3. I enter foo
  4. There is a match for foo. Nice
  5. Up to now everything is sane
  6. I want to search the next match (with keyboard, not mouse): How?

For me Enter or ctrl+F (again) would be intuitive.

But both don't work...

Am I the only one being confused here?

Version: Gedit 3.10.4 (default of Ubuntu 14.04)

According to this then up/down arrows work, as do Ctrl-G and Ctrl-Shift-G.

I agree, it's not all that intuitive if you're used to more powerful editors - I look at gedit as being equivalent to notepad. Useful in an emergency, but not for Real Work[tm] :)

When you open the search bar in gedit and enter text, this will look like in the example screenshot below.

enter image description here

All occurrences of the search pattern is are highlighted in the text.
Additionally, one occurrence is selected. You can jump with this selection between the occurrences using either the mouse to click on the / buttons of the search bar, or also by using the / cursor arrow keys of your keyboard.