Clock running fast after OS X Mavericks install

I've noticed my OS X system time on my iMac is running faster after I updated to Mavericks, after about a week it is a good 4 or 5 minutes too fast.

In my Date & Time preferences everything is set to automatic, time is set to update using Apple Europe ( and the time zone is set to automatic too.

Any idea why this could be happening, and how to fix it?

My iMac suffered from the same inaccurate clock syndrome. However my MacBook Pro set up exactly the same with Mavericks and on the same network keeps time very well.

The problematic iMac was reporting an inability to "create socket" in the system.log. It looks like it was trying to set the time every 5 minutes when I looked in the system.log

$ grep ntpd /var/log/system.log    returned many of these, each about 5 minutes apart:

Dec 19 15:32:46 Macintosh-0023dffe31b2.local ntpd[8887]: unable to create socket on en1 (53) for 2002:43ba:cb7b::a82a:82b9:92d0:134#123  
Dec 19 15:37:47 Macintosh-0023dffe31b2.local ntpd[8887]: unable to create socket on en0 (54) for 2002:43ba:cb7b::701a:38b1:c1e9:db4d#123  

As a shot in the dark I changed the time server in the Date & Time prefs by pasting a server from a near-by city over the Apple ( entry. I used

Now the time is updating periodically and seems to be accurate.

$ grep ntpd /var/log/system.log now returns entries like these and looks like it is updating the time appropriately:

Dec 19 15:53:15 Macintosh-0023dffe31b2.local ntpd[124]: proto: precision = 1.000 usec  
Dec 19 15:57:43 Macintosh-0023dffe31b2.local ntpd[124]: SYNC state ignoring -0.128408 s  
Dec 19 15:58:49 Macintosh-0023dffe31b2.local ntpd[124]: SPIK state ignoring -0.159852 s  
Dec 19 16:19:45 Macintosh-0023dffe31b2.local ntpd[124]: ntpd: time set -0.224141 s  
Dec 19 16:55:43 Macintosh-0023dffe31b2.local ntpd[124]: ntpd: time set -1.573103 s  

I hope this continues to solve my problem.

I fixed this issue by adding the following line to /etc/ntp.conf

interface ignore ipv6

and then restarting ntpd.

It appears to work just fine using ivp4 instead of ipv6