List all index names, column names and its table name of a PostgreSQL database

What is the query to get the list all index names, its column name and its table name of a postgresql database?

I have tried to get the list of all indexes in a db by using this query but how to get the list of indexes, its column names and its table names?

 FROM pg_class, pg_index
 WHERE pg_class.oid = pg_index.indexrelid
 AND pg_class.oid IN (
     SELECT indexrelid
     FROM pg_index, pg_class
     WHERE pg_class.oid=pg_index.indrelid
     AND indisunique != 't'
     AND indisprimary != 't'
     AND relname !~ '^pg_');

This will output all indexes with details (extracted from my view definitions):

SELECT i.relname as indname,
       i.relowner as indowner,
       am.amname as indam,
       SELECT pg_get_indexdef(idx.indexrelid, k + 1, true)
       FROM generate_subscripts(idx.indkey, 1) as k
       ORDER BY k
       ) as indkey_names,
       idx.indexprs IS NOT NULL as indexprs,
       idx.indpred IS NOT NULL as indpred
FROM   pg_index as idx
JOIN   pg_class as i
ON     i.oid = idx.indexrelid
JOIN   pg_am as am
ON     i.relam = am.oid;

Optionally add an extra join to the end so as to trim the namespaces:

SELECT i.relname as indname,
       i.relowner as indowner,
       am.amname as indam,
       SELECT pg_get_indexdef(idx.indexrelid, k + 1, true)
       FROM generate_subscripts(idx.indkey, 1) as k
       ORDER BY k
       ) as indkey_names,
       idx.indexprs IS NOT NULL as indexprs,
       idx.indpred IS NOT NULL as indpred
FROM   pg_index as idx
JOIN   pg_class as i
ON     i.oid = idx.indexrelid
JOIN   pg_am as am
ON     i.relam = am.oid
JOIN   pg_namespace as ns
ON     ns.oid = i.relnamespace
AND    ns.nspname = ANY(current_schemas(false));

More human friendly version of @Denis solution:

  U.usename                AS user_name,
  ns.nspname               AS schema_name,
  idx.indrelid :: REGCLASS AS table_name,
  i.relname                AS index_name,
  idx.indisunique          AS is_unique,
  idx.indisprimary         AS is_primary,
  am.amname                AS index_type,
           SELECT pg_get_indexdef(idx.indexrelid, k + 1, TRUE)
             generate_subscripts(idx.indkey, 1) AS k
           ORDER BY k
       ) AS index_keys,
  (idx.indexprs IS NOT NULL) OR (idx.indkey::int[] @> array[0]) AS is_functional,
  idx.indpred IS NOT NULL AS is_partial
FROM pg_index AS idx
  JOIN pg_class AS i
    ON i.oid = idx.indexrelid
  JOIN pg_am AS am
    ON i.relam = am.oid
  JOIN pg_namespace AS NS ON i.relnamespace = NS.OID
  JOIN pg_user AS U ON i.relowner = U.usesysid
WHERE NOT nspname LIKE 'pg%'; -- Excluding system tables

The Query to list all the indexes of a database

  indexes [1],
  indexes [2],
  indexes [3],
  indexes [4],
  indexes [5],
  indexes [6],
  indexes [7],
  indexes [8],
  indexes [9],
  indexes [10]
  array_agg(indexname) AS indexes
FROM pg_indexes
WHERE schemaname = 'public'
GROUP BY tablename) as sub;