Nginx configuration files structure

Where do I put specific domain configuration files on an nginx server? I've seen a lot of conflicting information. Does it belong in the sites-enabled folder? If so, do I put it in the already created (via symlink) file? Or do I create a file? Or do I put the in the conf.d directory? I'm just trying to add some media specific caching rules particular to one website hosted on my nginx server (so not in the nginx.conf file). I just want to make this config file particular to a website. I'm unsure of where to place the config file and placing it conf.d under or in the sites-enabled under the same name has not worked. Thanks.

Nginx packaging changed : the conf.d folder was used in old packages, sites-enabled / sites-available is used now with sites-available directory containing actual vhosts configurations and sites-enabled the symlinks to sites-available vhosts you want to activate.

So a typical structure would now be :

├── nginx.conf
├── sites-available
│   ├── mysite1
│   └── mysite2
└── sites-enabled
    └── mysite1 -> ../sites-available/mysite1

However, you have the liberty to do it whatever way you want, and even use none of these structures. Simply put the relevant include directive(s) in your main configuration file.