Taking screenshot from Mac by an interval [closed]

Solution 1:

You can do this with AppleScript and the built in screenshot command on Mac OS X.

Please refer to this link. If you want the screenshot to be taken every two minutes all you do is change delay (60 * 60) to delay (60 * 2)

I have extracted the script here:

set save_location to ¬
    (choose folder with prompt "Choose where to save screenshots")

repeat with shotcount from 1 to 100
    do shell script "screencapture " & ¬
        quoted form of POSIX path of save_location ¬
        & "screen" & (shotcount as string) & ".pdf"
    delay (60 * 60) -- delay one hour
end repeat

Solution 2:

You could also run a command like this in Terminal:

while :;do screencapture ~/Desktop/$(date +%y%m%d%H%M%S).png;sleep 120;done