Free Mac OS X application for downloading an entire website [closed]

Is there any free application for downloading an entire site installable on Mac OS X 10.6?

I've always loved the name of this one: SiteSucker.

UPDATE: Versions 2.5 and above are not free any more. You may still be able to download earlier versions from their website.

You can use wget with it's --mirror switch.

wget --mirror –w 2 –p --HTML-extension –-convert-links –P /home/user/sitecopy/

man page for additional switches here.

For OSX, you can easily install wget(and other command line tools) using brew.

If using the command line is too difficult, then CocoaWget is an OS X GUI for wget. (Version 2.7.0 includes wget 1.11.4 from June 2008, but it works fine.)



SiteSuuker has already been recommended and it does a decent job for most websites.

I also find DeepVacuum to be a handy and simple tool with some useful "presets".

Screenshot is attached below.


Simple interface with "presets"

I use this on leopard, not sure if it will work on snow leopard, but worth a try