An error occurred while using SSL configuration for endpoint
First run CMD as Admin
netsh http show sslcert
look for certificates that are dead or the below example Get rid of them by using:
netsh http delete sslcert ipport=
then you should be good.
- Goto bindings of your IIS website, check if you have a valid cert selected for
port. - If you already have, check validity of that cert if already exhausted. Try changing cert to see if its corrupted.
Run the following command in an elevated command prompt and examine the config on AD FS side.
netsh http sh sslcert
You will see several endpoints and the certs associated with each. AD FS uses name based bindings so wouldn't create one for by default. Unless you have IIS or have been doing your own bindings for http.sys they wouldn't just appear there.
I expect you have an old cert referenced in . That's a guess based on the data available.
You should take a network trace and see on WAP service startup whether TLS session is established successfully to AD FS.