Why it's not possible to use regex to parse HTML/XML: a formal explanation in layman's terms

Solution 1:

Concentrate on this one:

A finite automaton (which is the data structure underlying a regular expression) does not have memory apart from the state it's in, and if you have arbitrarily deep nesting, you need an arbitrarily large automaton, which collides with the notion of a finite automaton.

The definition of regular expressions is equivalent to the fact that a test of whether a string matches the pattern can be performed by a finite automaton (one different automaton for each pattern). A finite automaton has no memory - no stack, no heap, no infinite tape to scribble on. All it has is a finite number of internal states, each of which can read a unit of input from the string being tested, and use that to decide which state to move to next. As special cases, it has two termination states: "yes, that matched", and "no, that didn't match".

HTML, on the other hand, has structures that can nest arbitrarily deep. To determine whether a file is valid HTML or not, you need to check that all the closing tags match a previous opening tag. To understand it, you need to know which element is being closed. Without any means to "remember" what opening tags you've seen, no chance.

Note however that most "regex" libraries actually permit more than just the strict definition of regular expressions. If they can match back-references, then they've gone beyond a regular language. So the reason why you shouldn't use a regex library on HTML is a little more complex than the simple fact that HTML is not regular.

Solution 2:

The fact that HTML doesn't represent a regular language is a red herring. Regular expression and regular languages sound sort of similar, but are not - they do share the same origin, but there's a notable distance between the academic "regular languages" and the current matching power of engines. In fact, almost all modern regular expression engines support non-regular features - a simple example is (.*)\1. which uses backreferencing to match a repeated sequence of characters - for example 123123, or bonbon. Matching of recursive/balanced structures make these even more fun.

Wikipedia puts this nicely, in a quote by Larry Wall:

'Regular expressions' [...] are only marginally related to real regular expressions. Nevertheless, the term has grown with the capabilities of our pattern matching engines, so I'm not going to try to fight linguistic necessity here. I will, however, generally call them "regexes" (or "regexen", when I'm in an Anglo-Saxon mood).

"Regular expression can only match regular languages", as you can see, is nothing more than a commonly stated fallacy.

So, why not then?

A good reason not to match HTML with regular expression is that "just because you can doesn't mean you should". While may be possible - there are simply better tools for the job. Considering:

  • Valid HTML is harder/more complex than you may think.

  • There are many types of "valid" HTML - what is valid in HTML, for example, isn't valid in XHTML.

  • Much of the free-form HTML found on the internet is not valid anyway. HTML libraries do a good job of dealing with these as well, and were tested for many of these common cases.

  • Very often it is impossible to match a part of the data without parsing it as a whole. For example, you might be looking for all titles, and end up matching inside a comment or a string literal. <h1>.*?</h1> may be a bold attempt at finding the main title, but it might find:

      <!-- <h1>not the title!</h1> -->

    Or even:

      var s = "Certainly <h1>not the title!</h1>";

Last point is the most important:

  • Using a dedicated HTML parser is better than any regex you can come up with. Very often, XPath allows a better expressive way of finding the data you need, and using an HTML parser is much easier than most people realize.

A good summary of the subject, and an important comment on when mixing Regex and HTML may be appropriate, can be found in Jeff Atwood's blog: Parsing Html The Cthulhu Way.

When is it better to use a regular expression to parse HTML?

In most cases, it is better to use XPath on the DOM structure a library can give you. Still, against popular opinion, there are a few cases when I would strongly recommend using a regex and not a parser library:

Given a few of these conditions:

  • When you need a one-time update of your HTML files, and you know the structure is consistent.
  • When you have a very small snippet of HTML.
  • When you aren't dealing with an HTML file, but a similar templating engine (it can be very hard to find a parser in that case).
  • When you want to change parts of the HTML, but not all of it - a parser, to my knowledge, cannot answer this request: it will parse the whole document, and save a whole document, changing parts you never wanted to change.

Solution 3:

Because HTML can have unlimited nesting of <tags><inside><tags and="<things><that><look></like></tags>"></inside></each></other> and regex can't really cope with that because it can't track a history of what it's descended into and come out of.

A simple construct that illustrates the difficulty:

<body><div id="foo">Hi there!  <div id="bar">Bye!</div></div></body>

99.9% of generalized regex-based extraction routines will be unable to correctly give me everything inside the div with the ID foo, because they can't tell the closing tag for that div from the closing tag for the bar div. That is because they have no way of saying "okay, I've now descended into the second of two divs, so the next div close I see brings me back out one, and the one after that is the close tag for the first". Programmers typically respond by devising special-case regexes for the specific situation, which then break as soon as more tags are introduced inside foo and have to be unsnarled at tremendous cost in time and frustration. This is why people get mad about the whole thing.

Solution 4:

A regular language is a language that can be matched by a finite state machine.

(Understanding Finite State machines, Push-down machines, and Turing machines is basically the curriculum of a fourth year college CS Course.)

Consider the following machine, which recognizes the string "hi".

(Start) --Read h-->(A)--Read i-->(Succeed)
  \                  \
   \                  -- read any other value-->(Fail) 
    -- read any other value-->(Fail)

This is a simple machine to recognize a regular language; Each expression in parenthesis is a state, and each arrow is a transition. Building a machine like this will allow you to test any input string against a regular language -- hence, a regular expression.

HTML requires you to know more than just what state you are in -- it requires a history of what you have seen before, to match tag nesting. You can accomplish this if you add a stack to the machine, but then it is no longer "regular". This is called a Push-down machine, and recognizes a grammar.

Solution 5:

A regular expression is a machine with a finite (and typically rather small) number of discrete states.

To parse XML, C, or any other language with arbitrary nesting of language elements, you need to remember how deep you are. That is, you must be able to count braces/brackets/tags.

You cannot count with finite memory. There may be more brace levels than you have states! You might be able to parse a subset of your language that restricts the number of nesting levels, but it would be very tedious.