start nginx despite missing upstream

You can setup an upstream server with backup option, then won't be normally hit.

upstream cache {
    server fail_timeout=5s max_fails=3;
    server backup;

location / {
    proxy_pass http://cache;
    proxy_next_upstream error http_502;

Make sure your primary cache server return consistent error, so that the failure is quickly detected.

Nice trick (not only for docker deployments) is mentioned at

All kudos to Sandro Keil -- just for reference -- basically he defines a resolver with timeout and all upstream servers through variables:

server {
    # this is the internal Docker DNS, cache only for 30s
    resolver valid=30s;

    location ^~ /api/ {
        # other config entries omitted for breavity

        set $upstream;

        # nginx will now start if host is not reachable
        fastcgi_pass    $upstream; 
        fastcgi_index   index.php;

I use this solution for local development (allows me to start only subset of services with single nginx config) and also at production.