drop ip blacklist with firewalld centos 7 [closed]
Solution 1:
The best way to manage firewall rules with large numbers of IP-addresses remains with ipset
Then create a set of ip-addresses:
ipset create blacklist hash:ip hashsize 4096
and add each of the ip-addresses you need to block:
ipset add blacklist
ipset add blacklist
ipset add blacklist
AFAIK firewalld does not yet have a API method for adding the required iptables rule that works on the match module so you're going to end up doing something slightly ugly like this, I think:
firewall-cmd --direct --add-rule ipv4 filter INPUT 0 -m set --match-set blacklist src -j DROP
instead of the usual iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set blacklist src -j DROP
you would have done without firewalld.