how to install oracle database express on mac m1

I want to Install Oracle Database Express on macbook m1 but it only supports linux and windows, I downloaded Sql developer but I m unable to download Oracle database. I tried to install using docker and OrcaleVM but both attempt were unsuccessfull. I also tried playonmac but it only supports x86 software and x64 software crashes when i try to run. What should i do to install oracle database express on macbook with M1 chip??

Solution 1:

I've been struggling to find a solution to this for the past couple of days, and finally have a halfway-decent solution. I've had success running Oracle Linux 8 (x86_64) with UTM, and then installing Oracle DB 21c EE in the VM. The setup, configuration and installation is completely manual and will take a significant chunk of time, but the outcome is pretty satisfactory. Mouse didn't work for me, so the GUI is pretty much useless. From what I've read, hardware acceleration doesn't work either, so my recommendation is to stay away from the UI as much as you can. I used keyboard to navigate the OL8 installer, and selected the "server" installation mode with headless packages. The install script (here) from the vagrant project was quite helpful in installing and configuring the DB. Performance-wise, I've found it to be quite snappy (to be fair, I've just tested the basics). The VM consumes ~5GB RAM of the 8GB I've allocated to it. In terms of CPU, I've allocated four cores to the VM, but I haven't seen it use any more than 50% of one core. Again, I use it for very basic CRUD requests, so that's all I've tested it with. And just to give a little context, I'm on the M1 MBA with 16GB RAM.