Spaces around a colon

In a recent test, I fixed a feature and I was given the document back because it was pointed out the following was not correct.

Name: Sandy Corporation

I was asked to do this

Name : Sandy Corporation

or do this

Name:Sandy Corporation

To me the first one looks technically correct and is more pleasing to the eye. Which one is correct from punctuation point of view?

Note the difference between all three is how much space should be left before and after the : symbol. Should it be equal on both sides or the first one is correct?

Solution 1:

Wikipedia suggests:

A thin space is traditionally placed before a colon and a thick space after it. In English-language modern high-volume commercial printing, no space is placed before a colon and a single space is placed after it. In French-language typing and printing, the traditional rules are preserved.

So the answer is: no space before it and one space after it.

Solution 2:

The Chicago Manual of Style:

6.60 In typeset matter, no more than one space should follow a colon. Further, in some setting — as in a source citation between a volume and page number with no intervening date or issue number, a biblical citation, or a ratio — no space should follow a colon.