Multiple file upload with Symfony2
Solution 1:
Ok binding issue solved (enctype syntax error) : i'll give you the code i use. maybe it will help...
I have a Gallery Entity
class Gallery
protected $id;
protected $name;
protected $description;
private $urlName;
public $files; // the array which will contain the array of Uploadedfiles
public function getFiles() {
return $this->files;
public function setFiles(array $files) {
$this->files = $files;
public function __construct() {
$files = array();
I have a form class that generate the form
class Create extends AbstractType {
public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options) {
"label" => "Name",
"required" => TRUE,
"label" => "Description",
"required" => FALSE,
"label" => "Fichiers",
"required" => FALSE,
"attr" => array(
"accept" => "image/*",
"multiple" => "multiple",
Now in the controller
class GalleryController extends Controller
public function createAction() {
$gallery = new Gallery();
$form = $this->createForm(new Create(), $gallery);
// Altering the input field name attribute
$formView = $form->createView();
$formView->getChild('files')->set('full_name', 'create[files][]');
$request = $this->getRequest();
if($request->getMethod() == "POST")
// print "<pre>".print_r($gallery->getFiles(),1)."</pre>";
// Do what you want with your files
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl("_gallery_overview"));
return $this->render("GalleryBundle:Admin:create.html.twig", array("form" => $formView));
Hope this help...
NB: If someone know a better way to alter this f** name attribute, maybe in the FormView class or by declaring a new field type, feel free to show us your method...
Solution 2:
No extra classes needed (except the gallery_manger service but the issue you describe happens before...)
I don't really know what's wrong. Check for your template (maybe wrong enctype... or name attr missmatching)
first try to do a single file upload, check the documentation:
- file Field Type
- How to handle File Uploads with Doctrine
Once it works, you have to edit some lines.
- add input file multiple attribute.
- append [] at the end of the input file name attribute (mine is create...[] because my form class name is create, if your is createType it will be createType...[])
- init $files as an array.
Copy/paste your code here.
Solution 3:
All the suggestions I've found here are workarounds for the real situation.
In order to be able to have multiple attachments, you should use form collection.
Quote from the documentation:
In this entry, you'll learn how to create a form that embeds a collection of many other forms. This could be useful, for example, if you had a Task class and you wanted to edit/create/remove many Tag objects related to that Task, right inside the same form.
Example case: You have a document, which form is specified by DocumentType. The document must have multiple attachments, which you can have by defining AttachmentType form and adding it as a collection to the DocumentType form.
Solution 4:
For sf > 2.2 : In you form type class, add this overrided method :
public function finishView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options) {
$view->vars['form']->children['files']->vars['full_name'] .= '[]';