What happens to your statistics when you join a Modern Warfare 2 game in the middle?

I guess that you get a win if you win (especially in free-for-all mode).

But if you join a game, any kind of game, and your team loses, does that count as a loss?

If your team wins, does that count as a win?

Yup, if you join a game at the last second (or any time up to then) and the team wins you win, if they lose you lose.

It's happened to me a bunch of times where I'll load in, and go right to the scoreboard with a loss.

If you join in the middle of game, and do nothing (no kills, no deaths) you don't get neither a win or a loss. If you kill someone or get killed THEN you'll earn the win or lost.

When you join the game has nothing to do with whether you get a W or an L. If you manage to go an entire game without dying or getting a single kill you do not get a W or an L added to your record. However, this 0-0 K-D gets you the Accolade AFK (Zero Kills, Zero Deaths).