How to detect HTML 5 compatibility in browser

What is the best way to detect browser compatibility for HTML 5 syntax? And prompt the user if the browser is not compatible?

I understand the tutorial which shows how to test browser compatibility for HTML5. But I am curious to know if that is the only way? Do I need to inspect each and every element?

Solution 1:

Have a look at Modernizr:

Taking advantage of the new capabilities of HTML5 and CSS3 can mean sacrificing control over the experience in older browsers. Modernizr 2 is your starting point for making the best websites and applications that work exactly right no matter what browser or device your visitors use.

Thanks to the new Media Query tests and built-in YepNope.js micro-library as Modernizr.load(), you can now combine feature detection with media queries and conditional resource loading. That gives you the power and flexibility to optimize for every circumstance.

It has a lot of built in methods to test for browser features and provides a useful way of providing fallback code for when features you want to use are not supported.

More info:

Solution 2:

"HTML5 compatibility" is a very vague thing.

When people ask about HTML5 compatibility, they generally mean "what browsers support these new-ish browser features X, Y and Z which I want to use?"

There are a whole raft of features which have been added to browsers in the last couple of years, and which are now commonly referred to as "HTML5".

In fact, there aren't any browsers which support every new feature out there.

What you need to do is work out which features have wide enough support to make them worth using, which features you'd like to use but are happy to work around if you encounter a browser that doesn't support them, and which features you absolutely have to use to achieve what you want to do.

A fairly comprehensive list of new browser features, along with browser support charts for them all is available at (if you scroll to the bottom, you'll see in the overall compatibility table that the very best current browsers only support 89% of features they've tested. This will improve over time as new versions are released... but of course, also new features will be introduced too)

For determining at run-time whether the user's browser supports a given feature, you can use Modernizr. This is a Javascript-based tool which will give you a set of CSS classes and Javascript flags which tell you what features are supported. You can use this to trigger alternate behaviour in your site if the browser doesn't support a feature you want. (Modernizr also includes the HTML5Shim functionality, which allows IE to at least cope with HTML pages containing new HTML5 elements).

For more cross-browser compatibility, there are a whole range of hacks which have been written to allow older browsers (mainly IE to be fair) to support a range of newer features. You can see a fairly comprehensive list of them here:

Obviously, trying to run more than a few of these at once in IE will severely impare your site's performance, but it can be handy if you need to support one or two features. My favourite at the moment is CSS3Pie, which gives IE6/7/8 support for CSS rounded corners, shadows and gradients.

Hope that helps.