How do attacks work in Diablo III?

Solution 1:

Click To Loot's Combat Mechanics Compendium, among other sources, seems to suggest a two or possibly even three roll system, in which Dodge and Block are both checked separately from an attack roll. As far as I know, there is no concept of an attack 'missing' in D3. If the projectile makes contact, either it is avoided via Dodge, mitigated by block, or it does 'full' damage (reduced by Armor/Resistance as appropriate).

Regardless, this becomes impossible to test until it becomes possible to approach 100% Crit through gear. In general, mobs do not have a particularly large amount of dodge or block, so it's probably not possible to perform any sort of reliable testing without modifying game files (not happening) or an expansion that introduces large amounts of MUDflation (highly unlikely anytime soon). That said, if it's not possible to test, it's also not possible to build a gear set where that fact is relevant, so the point is largely academic.