How to write junit tests for interfaces?

Contrary to the much-voted-up answer that @dlev gave, it can sometimes be very useful/needful to write a test like you're suggesting. The public API of a class, as expressed through its interface, is the most important thing to test. That being said, I would use neither of the approaches you mentioned, but a Parameterized test instead, where the parameters are the implementations to be tested:

public class InterfaceTesting {
    public MyInterface myInterface;

    public InterfaceTesting(MyInterface myInterface) {
        this.myInterface = myInterface;

    public final void testMyMethod_True() {

    public final void testMyMethod_False() {

    public static Collection<Object[]> instancesToTest() {
        return Arrays.asList(
                    new Object[]{new MyClass1()},
                    new Object[]{new MyClass2()}

I strongly disagree with @dlev. Very often it is a very good practice writing tests that use interfaces. Interface defines contract between client and the implementation. Very often all your implementations must pass exactly the same tests. Obviously each implementation can have its own tests.

So, I know 2 solutions.

  1. Implement abstract test case with various tests that use interface. Declare abstract protected method that returns concrete instance. Now inherit this abstract class as many times as you need for each implementation of your interface and implement the mentioned factory method accordingly. You can add more specific tests here as well.

  2. Use test suites.

I disagree with dlev as well, there's nothing wrong with writing your tests against interfaces instead of concrete implementations.

You probably want to use parameterized tests. Here is what it would look like with TestNG, it's a little more contrived with JUnit (since you can't pass parameters directly to test functions):

public Object[][] dp() {
  return new Object[][] {
    new Object[] { new MyImpl1() },
    new Object[] { new MyImpl2() },

@Test(dataProvider = "dp")
public void f(MyInterface itf) {
  // will be called, with a different implementation each time

Late addition to the subject, sharing newer solution insights

I'm also looking for a proper and efficient way of testing (based on JUnit) correctness of multiple implementations of some interfaces and abstract classes. Unfortunately, neither JUnit's @Parameterized tests nor TestNG's equivalent concept correctly fits my requirements, since I don't know a priori the list of implementations of these interface/abstract classes that might exists. That is, new implementations might be developped, and testers might not have access to all existing implementations; it is therefore not efficient to have test classes specify the list of implementation classes.

At this point, I have found the following project which seems to offer a complete and efficient solution to simplify this type of tests: . It basically allows the definition of "Contract Tests", through the annotation @Contract(InterfaceClass.class) on contract test classes. Then an implementer would create an implementation specific test class, with annotations @RunWith(ContractSuite.class) and @ContractImpl(value = ImplementationClass.class); the engine shall automatically apply any contract test that applies to ImplementationClass, by looking for all Contract Test defined for any interface or abstract class from which ImplementationClass derives. I have not yet tested this solution, but this sounds promising.

I have also found the following library: . This one satisfies a similar though much more specific need, which is asserting a class conformity specifically to Object.equals and Object.hashcode contracts.

Similarly, demonstrate a strategy to validate some Java fondamental contracts, including Object.equals, Object.hashcode,, Serializable. This project use simple test structures, which, I believe, can be easily reproduced to suite any specific needs.

Well, that's it for now; I'll keep this post updated with other usefull informations I may find.