How to plot dot labeled data?
Solution 1:
You can put labels at a specified offset from the points using the following gnuplot command:
echo "plot 'file.dat' using 2:3 pt 2 notitle, '' using 2:3:1 with labels offset 0.5,0.5 notitle;" | gnuplot -persist
NB: works only if gnuplot has been compiled with --enable-datastrings (thanks to DaveParillo for the clarification)
Solution 2:
Gnu plot can't do this alone. I doesn't know what to do with the text. If your data exists in a file named file.dat, then:
perl -ane 'print "set label \"($F[0])\" at $F[1],$F[2]\n"' file.dat > label.plt
will produce a label file you can use in gnuplot. You can then produce a (very basic) plot like this:
gnuplot> load "label.plt"
gnuplot> plot 'file.dat' u 2:3
You can mess around with the label offset if you want. For example,
"set label \"($F[0])\" at $F[1]+0.05,$F[2]+0.05\n"'
moves the labels out a bit, so that they are not right up against your points.