java: error: release version 17 not supported

I recently updated to Intellij 2021.1. However, whenever I try to run my program, I get:

java: error: release version 17 not supported

I have tried snooping around for other answers, and have found none. It appears my sdk is version 16, if that helps.

Solution 1:

I have faced the same error while trying to use version 16.This is because the new version you are trying to use is unstable.

  1. you have to uninstall the version 17 go to: file -> project structure -> SDKs .delete sdk 17 by right clicking on it and then delete. right click on highlighted version(in your case its 17)

  2. now you have to change project sdk go to: file -> project structure -> project . select the previous version which use to work for you , in my case its 15 java version "15.0.2". set project language level to default (SDK default(15-Text blocks))

    changing project sdk and project language level

  3. the last part is to change the project configuration sdk go to your navigation bar where you debug your project then select edit configurations . select the sdk 16 for your project (in my case its 15) to change the project configuration sdk

Solution 2:

See this answer for the relevant screenshots. Make sure all the source/target levels are configured correctly in all the dialogs. It may be a typo somewhere and 17 is used instead of 1.7 (Java 7).

Inspect .idea/misc.xml file in the project directory, make sure it specifies the correct versions. See also the language levels specified in *.iml module files and in .idea/compiler.xml file.

Solution 3:

I had the same problem. What helped in my case is the following. In IntelliJ IDEA I opened File -> Project structure and then clicked Modules and changed the Language level to 17. Then I was able to run my code without problems.

Project structure window

Solution 4:

In my case, updating .idea/misc.xml didn't help. I was upgrading from Intellij 2020.2 -> Intellij 2020.4 -> Intellij 2020.1.1. Ended up with a reset: File -> Manage IDE Settings -> Restore Default Settings...

Solution 5:

This issue happened to me while upgrading to Java 17, I solved it by configuring the new SDK in project structure and invalidate the caches : File --> invalidate caches --> default selection and restart.