Cannot start IIS - how do I find what is running on port 80?

netstat -ab | find ":80 "

Notice the space after 80. The /b requires an elevated command prompt.

EDIT: After close inspection, piping netstat -ab into find with that search string does not display the executable that the -b switch retrieves. This is because -b displays the owning process on a new line. =( I fail. But at least the first half of the command will work. I just had to get all fancy with the find command. =)

The first thing I would do is open a browser to http://localhost/ and see what comes up... Then I'd check netstat of course.


I dont know on Vista but on XP you could:

netstat /a /b

on the console to check this.

Start a command prompt as an administrator and run the command netstat -ab and find the appropriate line in the output. This should tell you the executable name of the process listening on that port.

Once you have that, there's a good chance you'll have an idea of what to look for, but if you're not sure what that executable file is, you can start Task Manager, go to the Processes tab, find the process in question, and right-click it and select Properties to get more info. If there are multiple processes with that name, run netstat -ao to get the process ID.