'RelatedManager' object is not iterable Django

Solution 1:

Call all() to retrieve the elements from the manager.

{% for area in world_areas.all %}

Solution 2:

In general, it is better practice to use a values or values_list to pass data from a queryset to a template.

world_areas = Areas.objects.select_related().all().values_list('name', 'order_in_sidebar_network', ...)

Check out the Django docs for info on how to use the values function if you haven't used it before.

Solution 3:

I run into this issue by a reckless mistake:

 for physicalserver in task.physicalservers:

The task.physicalservers is RelatedManager object, in my case I should get the task's physicalservers, there should add .all().

for physicalserver in task.physicalservers.all():