Xcode 4: Creating a UIView xib, not properly connecting

I'm trying to create a nib that contains a view that will be embedded in a TableViewCell. I've created the interface and implementation files, ResultCell.h and ResultCell.m. They're stock, out-of-the-box, no code changes.

I then create an empty XIB file, and drag a UIView onto it. Then I click File's Owner, and set the type to ResultCell. I click the view, and set its class to also be ResultCell.

Here are the problems I have:

  1. When using the Assistant Editor view (which I live in), the ResultCell.h file doesn't appear when I'm viewing the ResultCell.xib file. I have to force it to load by clicking on Automatic and selecting the file.
  2. When I drop a label in the view, and then Ctrl+Click and drag to the .h to create an outlet, I get this error message: "Could not insert new outlet connection: Could not find any information about the class named ResultCell."

I've tried creating and re-creating the view, and it's just not working, and I've started to lose my patience. Any help would be very, very appreciated!

Solution 1:

I got into a similar state just today. It was very odd: I could attach any XIB (new or existing) to any already-existing ViewController class in the project, but I could not create a new ViewController and have it attach properly to any XIB. The "assistant" functionality didn't work, nor did the IB-to-headerfile-connection functionality.

Closing the project and re-opening did not fix it.
Quitting XCode and restarting did not fix it.
Creating a new project and testing the functionality worked fine, which led me to believe there was something corrupt in some cache somewhere.

My solution

  • Close your project.
  • Go to the ~/Library/Developer/XCode/DerivedData folder and REMOVE all subfolders there referencing the project you are working on.
  • Open your project in XCode. The problem should be fixed now.

Incidentally, just running a full clean did not seem to clear things up. I had to trash the derived data. I'm certain I got into this position because of git games I was playing, but I had no idea how to get out, because even switching back to earlier git revisions didn't help. (That was a big clue also that it was something untracked by the project itself.)

Solution 2:

This might not work for your specific issue, but occasionally I get that error when working with newly created nibs. Deleting and recreating the nibs and View Controllers with the same names as before didn't resolve the issue, but relaunching Xcode did.

Solution 3:

I just had this problem and restarting Xcode did not fix it. I removed the class files from the project then added them back in and it started working.

Solution 4:

I had the very same issue. And I tried :

  • Restarting Xcode
  • Deleting Derived Data
  • And many more

None of that worked. What worked for me was simply to :

  • Remove 'suspect' class files from Project (just remove References, huh?)
  • Re-add them to the project

And done!