How can I change PrtScn to capture by area?

Solution 1:

For future reference, in 12.04 you can use Shift+PrtScn to capture area.

Solution 2:

At this point I am convinced there is a bug such that you cannot actually connect the print screen button (prtScn) to any custom shortcut. The key works fine if you leave it as the default, but assign it to something else and it is wortheless. The best workaround I believe is to assign it to a different key instead. Other key combinations tend to work. I used the combination of ctrl + prtscn.

Here are the instructions: Open System Settings click once on "keyboard" Go to the "shortcuts" tab Click "Custom shortcuts" from the list of items on the left Click the plus icon near the bottom of the windows. Fill the name box in "Print Screen by Area" Fill in the comand box "gnome-screenshot -a"

No you'll see the word "disabled" to the right of your new shortcut. Click on the word "disabled" Click again on the word "disabled" and it should change to "New Shortcut" Press ctrl + PrtScn and the word "disabled" will change to "Ctrl+Print" You are done. You can close the system settings window.