Does Linux have an Equivalent of Windows PMTU Blackhole Router Discovery?

Solution 1:

Yes, you can.

To quote from the linux kernel mailing list in 2008:

From: John Heffner <johnwheffner@...>
Subject: Re: PMTU Discovery - Does it work?
Date: Thursday, May 22, 2008 - 1:19 pm
Message-ID: <[email protected]>


This is a well known issue (RFC 2923), and was the motivation for the development of MTU probing (RFC 4821), enabled with tcp_mtu_probing.

John Heffner wrote the changes to the linux kernel in 2007.

so to turn on tcp_mtu_probing

# echo 2 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_mtu_probing 

Possible values

0: disabled
1: enabled when black hole detected
2: always enabled 

Solution 2:

  • RFC2923 - TCP Problems with Path MTU Discovery, September 2000
  • RFC4821 - Packetization Layer Path MTU, March 2007 (takes into account ICMP blackhole)

I think support to ICMP blackhole recovery (as indicated in RFC4821, but complete RFC ¿is not implemented?) was added to Linux kernel 2.6.17. It can be enabled by means of tcp_mtu_probing option.

More info:

I haven't found more updated info so far (additional info is welcome).